1. Sign in to FormsBoard.
2. Click Edit Profile at the top of any FormsBoard page.
3. In the Change Password section, enter your current password and your new password, and then confirm your new password. Make sure that the password entered for new password matches your password confirmation. Password requires a minimum of 6 characters.
2. Click Edit Profile at the top of any FormsBoard page.
3. In the Change Password section, enter your current password and your new password, and then confirm your new password. Make sure that the password entered for new password matches your password confirmation. Password requires a minimum of 6 characters.
4. Click Change Password button. You will receive a confirmation message stating that your password has been changed.
TIP: Make sure you create a unique password to avoid others from breaking into your account. Since FormsBoard requires a level of password strength, you may include punctuation marks/special characters/numbers or mix capital and lower case letters when creating your new password.