Can I edit the XSN in my document type and save it back to FormsBoard?
Yes. As a domain administrator, you can edit the form template (XSN) in your document type and save it back in FormsBoard.
- Click on the Edit DocType link found in your Document Type page.
- Click on the Download XSN button in the Edit Document Type page.
- When prompted, click Open to open the XSN.
- When the form opens in InfoPath, click on the ‘Design This Form’ icon to open it in InfoPath Design mode.
- Make the changes in your XSN as desired. When done, click on the Save icon in InfoPath.
- In the ‘Save As’ dialog box, enter the URL to the template in the format:<doctypeID>/template.xsn, replacing <doctypeID> with the correct document type ID.
- Click Save. A confirmation dialog will appear asking whether or not you wish to overwrite the file. Click Overwrite.
- Verify that your XSN has been successfully updated in FormsBoard by clicking New Form in your document type page.
Note: If forms still open with the old un-changed version of the form template, make sure that there are no other opened forms of the same XSN. To be safe, close all instances of InfoPath and click ‘New Form’ again.
Alternatively, you can also design and make changes to the form template right in InfoPath. To do so, follow these steps:
- Launch InfoPath.
- In the Getting Started dialog, under ‘Design a form', click Design a Form Template…
- In the ‘Open a form template’ section, click On My Computer…
- In the ‘Open in Design Mode’ dialog box, enter the URL to the template in the format:<doctypeID>/template.xsn, replacing <doctypeID> with the correct document type ID, and click Open.
- Make your changes in the form template and click on the Save icon. When prompted where to save, enter the same FormsBoard template URL.
- Verify that the changes have been saved by clicking New Form in the document type page.