Document Type level permissions can be configured for each document type individually by modifying the default permissions.
For example, imagine that you wish to give the Writer group Delete permissions: simply check the checkbox under Delete for the Writer group, and then Save.
FormsBoard provides you with the Admin, Reader, Writer and Browse groups by default, but you can also give specific users enhanced permissions. For an example, see the screenshot below.
In this example, we have removed Add permissions from the Writer group, and we have given user msmith Read, Write, Add and Delete permissions. To give users permissions this way, they must first be a member of your domain.
You can enter as many users or groups as desired, by clicking the Add document type level permission link. Clicking this link will insert a new row where you will need to enter a name (an identifier of your choosing) and the user or group (Role Name). Then, for each of these rows, you will be able to grant the following permissions: Read, Write, Add, Delete and Admin.
Note that you CANNOT make a user a domain administrator by checking the Admin permissions checkbox. You will need to click Promote to admin in the Manage Domain page.
The Delete button to the right of each row allows you to delete that row. Note that you cannot delete permissions for the Browse and Admin groups.